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Group News 2014

5 years at 5th

 Lilford District Commissioner, Michael Lowe, has been busy recently presenting three leaders from 5th Tyldesley with their 5 year service badges and certificates.


First was Otter, aka Sallyann, who is Sectional Assistant with the Beaver Scouts. Sally first came to 5th as a mum helper when her son was in Beavers. Benjamin is now a Scout and Sallyann is thoroughly sharing the Scouting experience with him.


Second was Scout Leader Tom who started with 5th when he moved to the area for university. Tom received his award in front of the Scout Troop.


Most recently was Chil, aka Jayne, who is Assistant Cub Leader.  Jayne has been with 5th for longer than 5 years however this 5 year award celebrates her going into uniform and beginning her training.


Congratulations Sallyann, Tom and Jayne!

St George's Day Parade

This Sunday is St George's Day Parade for all in Lilford District. This is a very special Parade as St George is the Patron Saint of Scouting. The Sunday nearest to St. George's Day has become an annual occasion for Scouts across the UK to hold ceremonies when they reaffirm their Promise and acknowledge the Scout Law in a national act of dedication.


We would love to see all our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in full, smart uniform at St Joseph's at 2pm on Sunday ready to take part in the Parade and share in our pride of being members of the Scouting family.


We are meeting at St Joseph's in Leigh at 2pm. From there we will march to Leigh Parish Church for the service before marching back to St Joseph's for an approximate 4.30pm finish.


See you there!

Welcome to our Parents' Committee 


The Leaders of 5th Tyldesley are delighted to announce that a Parents' Committee has now been established.


This small group of parents meet quarterly to discuss possible fundraisers and other ways to support the Leaders in providing a wide range of Scouting opportunities.


If you would like to be part of our Parents' Committee or would like to volunteer your services at fundraisers, please let a Leader know.

Parade Pride

All the Leaders of 5th Tyldesley would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all those children and parents who took time out of their weekend to come to St George's Day Parade this year.


We were all delighted to see so many Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, proudly wearing their orange and brown neckers, attend the parade for Scouting's Patron Saint.


Parades are always very proud moments for Leaders, and we hope for the children and parents also.  On Sunday 27th April we joined with our Scouting colleagues from across Lilford District, we all renewed our Promises together at Leigh Parish Church before marching smartly back across Leigh town centre.


Thank you all once again.

Race Night was a roaring success!

Thank you to all those families who supported our Race Night on Saturday 20th September. It was great to see so many children, parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles there and we are sure the cheering could be heard from Atherton!


Massive thanks must go to our Parents Committee who organised the event and spent the day making vast amounts of delicious hot pot and hot dogs to feed us all. We also must thank the Lilford District Commissioner, Mike Lowe, for being our compere for the evening.


The event raised a fantastic £452.23 which has helped us purchase a new heavy canvas tent. Everyone at 5th would like to thank you all for coming along & supporting the group.

Our Beavers Are Domino Champions!

Well done to our eight Beavers Scouts who took part in the Lilford District Dominoes competition on Sunday 21st September. We are delighted to be the winning colony, making us District Domino champions for the second year running!  As always, 5th Tyldesley Beavers did their Leaders proud with their impeccable behaviour and friendliness to the visiting groups.

Pick of the Packs

Well done to our two teams of Cubs who took part in Lilford District's Pick of the Packs Competition on 8th October 2014. All our Cubs took part in a quiz prior to the event and the highest scoring individuals were asked to represent us at the District Competition.  Pick of the Packs tests the Cubs's general & Scouting knowledge in a variety of areas whilst in compeition with, on this occasion, 7 other Packs from across Lilford.  We are delighted that our teams came 3rd and 4th overall.  Well done Cubs!  Congratulations to 4th Tyldesley who came 1st.

Our Scouts are Dodgeball Champs!
Cubs Reach
New Heights
After Hours in

Congratulations to our Dogdgeball teams who took part in the Lilford District Competition over the weekend. They truely did 5th proud in their sportsmanship and topped it all by finishing in 1st and 2nd place!

               Well done Scouts!



Halloween at 5th

Our Cubs were given the opportunity to try their hands (and feet) at various climbing techniques at Manchester Climbing Centre on Sunday 26th October.  It was clear that 5th Tyldesley have some real

daredevils in its midsts,

in the Leaders as well

as the children! 


Click here to take a

look at how they

got on.

46 of our Beavers joined with other Colonies from Lilford District for a special chance to sleepover at Legoland Trafford.  The trip, organised by our very own Squirrel, was a fantastic success! 


Click here to see the photos



Click here to see our spooky Halloween fun

Remembrance Parade 2014

All the Leaders at 5th were immensely proud to see so many of our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts at Remembrance Parade on Sunday.  Remembrance Parade is a very important event in the Scouting calendar as it is for so many local families so we would like to sincerely thank everyone who attended.


As Leaders, to march through Tyldesley with the young people of our Sections all proudly displaying their uniforms, in the company of fellow Scouters from local Groups and supported by the community is one of the proudest moments of our year. Each Parade we hope that the young people of 5th share this pride with us.


As always it was humbling to take part in the service at the cenotaph, paying our respects to those who gave their lives in battle.  We were honoured to be asked by the District Commissioner for a Beaver, Cub and Scout to lay the District wreath - they were fine representatives, thank you boys.


There were a few photographs taken during the morning which can be found here.

Our Beavers are
Cooking Champs!

The Beaver Leaders are very proud to announce that 5th Tyldesley Beavers are  Lilford District Cooking Competition Champions for 2014!


Following the preparation and decorations made in sessions over the alst few weeks the team of 6 Beavers (3 from each night) attended the Competition on Sunday 23rd November. Looking very smart in their bow ties, white shirts and black trousers they prepared the 3-course meal largely unaided, with Leaders only assisting in the use of the oven and sharp knives.


The judges were both very impressed with the team's food, hygiene and team work - they really did their Leaders and fellow Beavers proud.




Watercress Soup



Hunter's Chicken with homemade barbecue sauce



Sticky toffee pudding with custard or cream

Christmas Camp

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Young Leaders and Leaders all had a fantastic time at Great Tower Scout Activity Centre which was the venue for this year's Christmas Camp for 5th Tyldesley. 


Plenty of fun was had by all with the various Christmas activities in each Section; Christmas crafts, baking snowman cakes, Christmas themed games, making decorations for the hut, challenges with tents and making paracord bracelets being just a few.


The Group had a Christmas buffet all together on Saturday evening and then ventured outside to sing some songs around the campfire.  It was a great surprise to see Father Christmas had come to visit us & left a present for everyone!


There were lots of pictures taken over the weekend -

click here to go to the Gallery page.

Merry Christmas!!

Everyone at 5th Tyldesley would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Sessions are now finished for this year.  Stay safe over the Festive Season and we look forward to seeing you all back on 6th/7th January when we will be celebrating 5th Tyldesley's 44th birthday at Hollywood Bowl.  Please check your letters or ask your leader for times and cost and other details.



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